What is Interventional Pulmonology?
If you have a breathing condition like asthma, allergies, or a sleep condition, your primary care doctor may have recommended that you see an interventional pulmonologist to help you diagnose and treat your condition. So, what is interventional pulmonology?
Interventional pulmonology is an emerging field in pulmonary medicine and is an advanced subspecialty of pulmonology (the treatment of pulmonary and thoracic diseases).
Interventional pulmonology procedures are often performed by pulmonologists and surgeons, like cardiothoracic surgeons. Physicians who have completed fellowships in these advanced techniques have experience with a broad range of malignant and non-malignant disease states that involve the airways, lungs and pleural space.
What do Interventional Pulmonologists Do?
Interventional pulmonologists offer diagnostic and treatment services for major lung problems including compressed airways, tumors, cancer, tuberculosis, and other airway stricture causes.
Interventional pulmonology techniques are often less invasive techniques like bronchoscopy (a flexible endoscope that can be advanced through a patient’s windpipe) to perform procedures, like placing a stent or performing a biopsy, without surgery.
Once a diagnosis has been achieved, your Interventional Pulmonologist will work closely with a multidisciplinary team, like lung surgeons, oncologists, and pathologists, to develop an individualized plan for you.
Interventional Pulmonology at Lyracore
At Lyracore, interventional pulmonology techniques are incorporated into the daily practice, minimizing invasive procedures and recovery time for patients.
“Employing the newest technologies and techniques is exceedingly important in minimizing tissue injuries during procedures, as well as maximizing the precision of interventions that are performed,” says Dr. Alexandre Furman, M.D., FCCP, FCCM, and founder of Lyracore Health Alliance. “Moreover, these techniques offer less taxing therapeutic capabilities to patients who are not candidates for the usual surgical options in cases of cancer and other serious lung conditions.”
Learn More
We’re here to help. Contact our office to learn more about how our skilled and compassionate team provides leading-edge interventional pulmonary care.